

    8月31号,在北京师范大学学生活动中心召开的2018级留学生开学典礼上画眉鸟笼,环境学院董世魁教授作为教职员工代表用中英文双语作了题为“构架多样世界沟通和交流的桥梁”(Bridging gaps for diverse world)的发言。在发言中,董世魁鼓励各国学子与家人朋友分享对中国的印象和看法、对本国及其它国家文化之间的差异,让自己和广大外国朋友更好地理解中国人一贯奉行的处世哲学——“和而不同”。董世魁强调,在全球共同面对的挑战日益严峻的今天,“不仅要了解中国,更要放眼世界”,要“秉持‘全球思考、就地行动’的理念一可的魔兽教室廉政第一击 ,去发现全球面临的严峻问题,去探寻解决这些问题的途径和方法”。



    Distinguished Vice President Prof. Chen Li, Dear students and Colleagues,
    Goodmorning! It’s my great honor to deliver a welcome speech on behalf of allfaculty and staff at Beijing Normal University.
    在开始我正式的致辞之前,我想解答一下大家对北京师范大学(简称北师大)这所具有116年历史的高等学府的英文译名的疑惑。作为一名已在该校工作了18年的“老”教师,自工作伊始,我一直在找寻能达到“信、达、雅”标准的“Normal”的准确翻译周立璟 ,直到去年的今天,同样在留学生开学典礼上,我们学校的王新松教授在其欢迎辞中解释“Normal”的词根是“Norm”,是指规范的意思,具体包括三个方面:学习的规范、做研究的规范、关乎每名学生实现自我理想的规范。这也是北京师范大学校训精神“学为人师、行为世范”所体现的核心价值所在。这一观点更被3个月前在北京师范大学2018届本科生毕业典礼上学生代表张慧同学的致辞所强化,她说Beijing Normal University的英文翻译比Beijing Teaching University的意义更深邃,二者就是师匠精神和教师情怀的区别。因此,我由衷地祝贺大家有幸在北京师范大学这样一所在教育学、心理学、文学、艺术学、地理学、生态学、环境科学等诸多领域享誉中国乃至全球的综合型、研究型大学深造!恭祝大家在北京师范大学这个具有师匠精神的高等学府度过您人生的黄金岁月!
    Before starting my formal speech, I would like to clarify your question about the name of this 116 years old university----Beijing Normal University (shortened as BNU). Even as an “old” faculty who has been working in this institution for 18 years, I did not fully understand what “Normal” meant, until at the last year’s International Students Welcome Ceremony when, my colleague, Prof Wang Xinsong stated in his speech that “Normal” was rooted as “norm” in three perspectives, norms of learning a subject, norms of doing research, and norms of becoming a person you’d like yourself to be. To learn, to teach, and to advance as a great person are the core values of BNU.This viewpoint was further strengthened by Ms. Zhang Hui, the representative of the BNU’s 2018 graduating students 3 months ago. She highlighted that “BeijingNormal University” was superior to “Beijing Teaching University” in English translation as “Normal” meant “Master of Teaching” instead of “Trainer ofteaching”. Therefore, I would like to say, you all are very lucky to join this comprehensive university named as “Beijing Normal University”, which is leading in many academic fields嗨学网怎么样, such as Education, Psychology, Art, Geography, Ecology and Environment, in China and even in the world, to spend gold age of your life in coming years.
    为了准备今天的发言,我一直绞尽脑汁地思忖在来自世界各地的数百位学习者、观察者、探索者、研究者和开拓者面前,我应该讲什么?最后申凤善 ,我选择了与自己专业“生物和文化多样性保护”相关的主题—“构架多样世界沟通和交流的桥梁”作为今天的主旨发言。
    To prepare today’s formal speech梦见跳伞 , I have questioned myself many times what I should say in front of hundreds of audiences from different corners of the world, who are here as learners蟹状元 , observers, explorers, investigators and innovators. Finally, I decided to call the theme of my speech “Bridging gaps for diverse world”, due to my specialty in bio-cultural diversity conservation.
    我从学校国际交流与合作处留学生办公室了解到,今年北京师范大学一共招收了来自世界6大洲83个国家和地区的750名留学生。作为其中的一员,在座的每位留学生新生同学代表了不同文化、语言、种族、社会、经济和政治背景的世界公民。今天,北京师范大学大家庭迎接你们这些全球多元文化使者的加入,必将丰富校园文化生活,提升学校国际化水平。在北京师范大学这所历史和现代交汇的校园里,通过教室内外跨文化的学习和交流,您可以领略从喜马拉雅高山到太平洋海岸等多样的中国地理景观,您可以感受从古老长城到现代鸟巢诉说的中国悠久历史,您可以体验从草原牧民到海边渔民生产生活的中国多元文化;凡此种种,不胜枚举。在未来的几年里,您可以将自己在北师大、北京乃至整个中国的所见所闻、所思所想通过书信、电话、电子邮件或社交媒体告诉您远在祖国的亲朋好友、老乡熟人以及异国他乡的朋友;您也可以通过师生间的交流互动、朋友间的谈天说地、同学间的讨论争辩,将您对中国的印象和看法、中国与您的祖国及其他国家的差异对比给中国朋友倾心相诉。只有这样我是你六哥 ,才能使您和广大外国朋友理解中国人一贯奉行的处世哲学“和而不同”椎名法子。
    I learned, from the International Affair office, this year, BNU has enrolled 750 foreign students from 83 countries and regions across 6 continents. You, the new foreign students joining BNU family are very good representatives of the global populations of cultural, linguistic聚u惠 , ethnical, social, political and economic dimensions. Here in this old but modern campus of BNU, through cross-cultural learning inside and outside classrooms, you can see diverse Chinese geography from Himalayan mountains to the Pacific coastlines, long Chinese civilization from the Great Wall to the Bird Nest, rich Chinese culture from grassland pastoralists to seaside fishermen and many more perspectives.You may tell what you see知果果, you learn, you experience and you explore in BNU,Beijing or even China to your family members, your country fellows, your friends across the world though letters, calls, e-mails or social media. You may also share your views on China, in comparison with your home country or other foreign countries陈水总, to your Chinese classmates, teachers, friends through communication and exchange. This can raise your彭妙计 , and many more foreigners’ understandings of Chinese philosophy “Harmony in diversity”.
    Beyond China吉林油田吧 , you should look at the whole world. Nowadays, the sustainability of this sole living planet-earth, is being challenged by worldwide stresses such as climate change, energy crisis乳安贴, resource scarcity, national inequity and violent terrorism. However, the international conflicts and contradictions associated with poorly mutual understanding of social, economic and political diversity among different countries is worsening this situation. For example, current trade war is disrupting the well-aligned order of global economy and damaging the socio-economic stability of the global community. You, the future leaders in different fields of this world, need to take responsibility to mitigate these conflicts and contradictions by promoting social, economic and political diversities of global community through the windows of the classrooms, the campus, society and the world, so as to enhance the sustainability of the this earth village. To bridge gaps for diverse world, you may work hard to learn more about worldwide issues, to find the solutions by “thinking globally and acting locally” during your stay in the BNU community.
    To end my speech, I would like to use the most famous “Master of Teaching” and also the greatest philosopher in China,苏拉文雅 Confucius’ saying “It is always a pleasure to greet friends from afar” as a warm-hearted welcome to you all. I hope you have an extraordinary experience as a BNUer without being homesick.
    Thank you!