

    周梦晗? [2017-09-26] 老外不吃猪头肉?
    kidney /?k?dn?/n【烹】 腰子(指牛、羊、猪等供食用的肾脏)? I don’t like kidneys. 我不喜欢吃腰子。? There were grilled kidneys for Sunday breakfast. 周日早餐有烤腰子。牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第 8 版)
    kidneythe kidneys of some animals that are cooked and eaten(食用的)动物腰子? steak and kidney pie 牛肉腰花馅饼朗文当代高级英语辞典(英英·英汉双解)(第 4 版)
    pieBrE meat or vegetables baked inside a pastry or potato covering 肉馅饼; 蔬菜馅饼:? I had a steak and kidney pie with chips. 我吃了一块牛肉腰子馅饼和薯条。剑桥高阶英汉双解词典
    steak and kidney pienoun C or U (also steak and kidney pudding)a traditional British dish made from small pieces of meat in a sauce with pastry on top 牛排腰子饼(一种传统的英国菜,将小片肉放放在酱料中制成,顶上放馅饼皮)pudding? steak and kidney pudding 牛排腰子布丁Listened to the Sample
    The Restless WaveGood Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and Other Appreciations
    By: John McCain, Mark SalterNarrated by: John McCain, Beau BridgesLength: 14 hrs and 15 minsUnabridged AudiobookRelease date: 05-22-18Language: EnglishPublisher: Simon & Schuster Audio